Happy June! Happy Pride! Happy birthday month to me! I have much going on in June including the release of two short stories, PALE MOON RISING and QUEEN FOR A DAY, featured in two anthologies.
PALE MOON RISING is included in an exclusive, Own Voices Anthology, In Our Words: Queer Stories from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Writers with Bold Strokes Books. In May, I participated in a live reading event with other Own Voices Anthology authors hosted by Bold Strokes Books. View the recording here.
I'm also excited and honored to engage in a discussion with some truly amazing and inspiring individuals where we discuss the importance of Own Voices books at the inaugural Pride Book Fest 2021 which is happening June 11-13! More info here.

PALE MOON RISING: A group of bird researchers is on assignment in Northern Mexico. Their days involve scaling cliffs, banding birds, and telling stories to pass the time. A morbid tale rings close to home. The story of the Peuchen, a blood-sucking shapeshifter. A healthy dose of paranoia is fun for a while, but it soon borders on lunacy and everyone is at their wit’s end. In Our Words is available today! Order your copy here.

QUEEN FOR A DAY is included in a wedding-themed anthology, SAVE THE DATE: A Romantic Anthology, released on June 17 with Bella Books. Pre-order your copy, here. As the title suggests this is a wedding-themed work, celebrating our hard-fought history, honoring those who came before who helped win our right to celebrate the union of love.
Included are these romantic stories from the following Bella authors: Tagan Shepard, Jessie Chandler, Louise McBain, M.B. Guel, E. J. Noyes, Celeste Castro, Kay Acker, Dillon Watson, Cade Haddock Strong
Kate Gavin, Jaime Clevenger.
"Our right to marry—to have our love acknowledged and legitimized by our governments—has been a long-standing fight for the queer community across the world. Generations of queer folks lived and died without ever having that right. Generations put their blood, sweat, and tears into giving us the opportunity to love legally. In much of the world, that fight is ongoing. In America, that right is so fresh, and so fragile." Tagan Shepard.
QUEEN FOR A DAY: Monica is at a museum that uses innovative technology—holograms! She feels like a Tudor insider as she’s observing the infamous secret wedding of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Best of all, she’s met, someone. An interesting woman with a peculiar understanding of 16th century England. Pre-order your copy, here.

While we're here, PRIZE MONEY my newly released rodeo romance dropped on May 11!
Thank you for reading and supporting my work.